Due to the fact that this is an area I myself have struggled with on entering higher education I feel that imbedding key language into each lesson in very important. This will enable the students to not only be successful in completing classroom based tasks but also exams, I feel that some of the terminology will also merge into other subjects, e.g. Annalise, Annotate, Compare, Contrast etc. could also be used/seen in English, Geography and many other subjects I am sure. Not only have I being doing so through my Q&A strategy but also in every class recap/Introduction/ Demonstration, as well as evaluations and self reflection. For the CBA 2 evaluation we used a rubric which given a list of criteria and students wore to grade them self, this criteria mentions the use of critical and visual language , and is also mentioned throughout the JC & LC/LCA curriculum's. This is also a big drive behind why I have been focusing so much on language.
students do not necessarily know what is meant by use critical and visual language, so I felt the need to explain this in depth to my students. Asking them what they think I am asking them to do if I say be critical about your own work? Or explain that visual language is related to what ever task you are doing, e.g. Primary/Secondary source drawings: Giving examples of visual language they could use here: Aedp, Line, Colour, Media, Viewpoint, Composition.
