To help students in creating mind maps I decided to bring 4th/6th years outside as their is a local park across from the school. Both these groups are working with similar themes: Landscapes & Local Environment, The purpose was to gather Primary/Secondary sources to inform their mind map/overall project. After this students critiqued their sources to identify their favourite two before using a viewfinder to draw sections of their photographs. As I have previously used viewfinders with students I knew it would work best if I pre made them, So I created my own one that I then used to complete the task(VA). Instead of cutting out a full set I decided to photocopy mine so the students just had to follow the lines to be cut out. However this did not go to plan at all. I explained firstly to the students before completing a demonstration on how to cut out the viewfinder, and even completed one to one demo's. however the majority of students had cut the template up into pieces rather than just cutting a square out like I had done. So I decided to cut them all out for them.
